Sometimes my kids will do or say something that just seems absolutely inspired. For example, one day Tony, my 7-year-old, was reading his little kids Bible to himself. All of the sudden he stopped and said, “Mom can I read this next story to you?”
I encouraged him to go on, and while he was reading, I sat behind him stunned as tears rolled down my cheeks. That Bible story was absolutely what I needed to hear that day. When he finished the story I asked him, “What made you want to read that story to me?”
His answer, “I don’t know, I guess I just thought you’d like it.”
Call it what you want, but to me God was using my child to speak His message into my heart.
Last week the scenario repeated itself, this time with one of Tony’s library books. He said, “Mom I’ve read this book a couple of times. I think you would like to hear it, can I read it to you?”
So once again he read, and I cried.
I had never heard of the book before, but now I’m convinced it is going to be one of those timeless classics.
It is called The Oak Inside the Acorn, and it is about a Little Acorn who is scared to leave his comfort zone and follow his path. His mother encourages him saying, “Within you is a great oak, Little Acorn. Just be the tree God made you to be.”
The story goes on and the acorn reluctantly ventures out into the world. He ends up in a grove of orange trees and is disappointed and embarrassed when he can’t grow oranges. Then a farmer plants him in his yard near some flowers. The Little Acorn tries to grow beautiful flowers and is discouraged when he can’t.
Over the years, Little Acorn grows up to be Big Oak. When he sleeps, he hears his mother’s voice reminding him, “Inside you is a great oak. Just be the tree God made you to be.” Big Oak was still frustrated that he couldn’t grow oranges or flowers, but he just kept growing and wondering what he was supposed to do.
Then one day, a little girl came along. Her daddy hung a swing on Big Oak’s branches and built a tree house for his daughter. Big Oak stood tall, finally knowing what he was meant to do – provide a place for the little girl to play and spend happy hours.
Over time, the little girl grows up. One day she is wrestling with a big decision – what is she supposed to be and how can she overcome her fear and sadness at leaving her comfort zone.
Without words, Little Acorn passes on the wisdom of his mother, “Inside you is a great tree. Just be the tree God made you to be.”
In his little kid voice, Tony read this story to me and I thought, “How many times do we do this?” We forget all about the great tree that God placed inside us. We measure ourselves against others, and if we can’t grow oranges or flowers then we feel like a failure. But the thing is… we aren’t all orange trees!”
So as we all venture out into the world this week, remember, “Just be the tree God made you to be!” But watch out, I’ve been known to be kind of a tree hugger!